Study Skills

Study Skills and Executive Function Coaching – Building better students.

“Working with The Nectar Group has been such a great experience and opportunity for our son. They have helped put him on a path to long term success by working smarter—not harder. His confidence has increased dramatically, and he is enthusiastically taking higher level classes and pursuing extra-curricular opportunities. We are so grateful!”

-Mother of a 9th grade boy

Does your student:

If any of this sounds familiar, we can help! Through our study skills and executive function coaching program, SkillsBuild™ , we build successful, independent students.

Our programs are unique and very successful because we draw upon a wealth of knowledge from the field of neuroscience regarding how the brain works and what skills are necessary for success. In order to truly overcome weaknesses in executive function skills, it is important to understand that effective treatment consists of the following process:


Determine the root cause for the weaknesses in the first place so that treatment is targeted to the need. This can be done through cognitive testing or a psychoeducational assessment.


Most executive function deficits and weak study skills are caused by one or more deficits in cognitive skills which are the foundational skills that make up how we learn like working memory and our ability to quickly process, organize and store information. If there are weaknesses in any of these foundational skills, it is crucial to treat these first so that the student has the underlying tools necessary to develop into a strong student.


Once any underlying weaknesses are addressed, we then are ready to tackle the executive function behaviors at the top of The Nectar Potential Pyramid by teaching, modeling, and applying executive function and study skills to real world scenarios with the student. Finally, we build relationship between the student and their coach so that there is accountability for the student to utilize the new skills they are gaining.

For students to reach their full learning potential, they need to have all three levels of the potential pyramid working well.

At the foundation are all of the cognitive skills that make up how we learn. These must be strong to allow for learning to occur. Second is content or knowledge. This is what we know, such as math, reading, and writing.

Finally, at the top of the pyramid are the behaviors that impact how we implement and use levels 1 and 2. Examples of these behaviors are motivation, grit, confidence and study skills. The SkillsBuild program addresses the top tier of the pyramid by building the tools necessary to apply cognitive skills and content knowledge successfully and improve your student’s academic performance. 

Our SkillsBuild™ curriculum includes coaching in the following areas:


Your student will whip their schedule into shape, bring order to their study spaces and materials, and build a system to ensure no assignment, test, or deadline surprises them again.


To find the most effective tools for their test prep toolbox, your student will practice using and evaluating a host of study strategies that engage different ways of learning.


By internalizing a step-by-step framework for problem-solving, your student will learn to confidently tackle challenging assignments and grow into a more responsible, critical, and engaged individual.


By understanding different test formats, questions types, and expectations, your student will become a more strategic test-taker, well-prepared for whatever their teachers throw at them.


Your student will be equipped with the simple tips and tricks that make the most of the way their brain works.


Using a research-tested method, your student will practice the hallmarks of good note-taking, excelling in recording and prioritizing important information, while turning their notes into an invaluable tool that fosters regular review.


To enhance academic performance and reduce anxiety, your student will learn to evaluate their current study habits and implement new practices to reduce stress and meet their current and future academic needs.


Your student will realize that school is their job and their responsibility and learn how to build and maintain relationships with their teachers and peers that are instrumental to their long-term success—from the classroom to the workforce.

We utilize executive function skills in school, work, and life every day. Building strong executive function and study skills is vital to reaching full potential.


Tackling these issues removes stress and frees up time for the whole family!

Upon completion of the SkillsBuild study skills and executive function coaching program students can:

Program Logistics:

Contact us to schedule your student or for a complimentary consultation to determine the best options for your family!