Six keys to unlock learning potential

The six keys for unlocking learning potential are ways to promote your brain health and optimize thinking skills. These keys are an integrative approach to improving learning capacity and benefit children and adults of all ages.

What are the six keys? Click on each to learn more!


eating whole non-processed nutritious foods

What we put in our mouth provides the fuel and the building blocks to keep our brains running in top condition. Consuming whole, non-processed, unadulterated food results in improved health and brain function.


being physically active

Regular physical activity helps improve our overall health and fitness, including our brain fitness, while reducing our risks for many chronic diseases.


practicing stress protective activities

As we address our stress, have fun, practice relaxation, and use healthy coping skills, we build our resilience to future stress and avoid the harm to our brains that stress can incur.


Mental Exercise: exercising and stimulating the brain

Our brains have neuroplasticity, meaning they are moldable and malleable. They respond to use or disuse much like a muscle, either atrophying or growing and strengthening based on how we use it. Mental exercise is vital to repair damage or to overcome learning difficulties, disorders, and disabilities.


consistently getting adequate restful sleep

The health benefits, including brain benefits, of getting adequate and restful sleep impacts all aspects of our mental, physical, emotional, and social selves.


managing our physical surroundings and limiting exposure to toxins and toxicants

The air, water, and land that surround us, impact brain development and brain function, including our thinking and learning abilities. Taking control of what we can by limiting exposure to toxins in our homes can make a marked difference in optimizing learning through brain health.

Want more?

Go deeper with our digital course, Six Keys to Unlocking Learning Potential: How optimizing brain health can improve thinking and learning skills or explore Integrated Health and Wellness Coaching.

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