Launch your Early Learner

Help your child start smart!

The Nectar Group strengthens the underlying skills that make strong learners for life, resolves learning challenges early on, and increases your child’s confidence and love of learning. Research shows that tackling the root causes of learning challenges at an early age is the most effective way to build successful learners.

Our early learner assessments will assess crucial learning skills, including the 4 key areas recommended by the research. Once we’ve uncovered your child’s strengths and struggles, we’ll develop an action plan to fortify any weak cognitive and reading skills that are holding back their learning and preventing them from launching successfully.

With a strong cognitive foundation in place, we can build the knowledge and tools through academic tutoring in reading, writing, or math, that allow your child to find success and let their confidence and motivation soar.

By helping your early learner start smart, you instill perseverance, curiosity, and a love of learning to carry them through their entire academic career and beyond.

“Our daughter reads in the car on the way to school. She sneaks books under her covers to read after bedtime. Yesterday she begged me to buy her a dozen books from Amazon. When she started Nectar, she didn’t even have foundational reading skills. Your team provided such support and expertise in a fun and loving manner. You turned a struggling student into a book worm. EVERY penny we spent with Nectar was a bargain. You have positively impacted the rest of her education and life. Thank you for all you do!”

-Mom of a 6-year-old girl

“…You turned a struggling student into a book worm. EVERY penny we spent with Nectar was a bargain…”

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We make early intervention easy.

Our Start Smart and Read Smart programs: 

Research in the field of neuroscience clearly establishes significant benefits to early intervention: 

• A meta-analysis comparing intervention studies offering at least 100 sessions, reported larger effect sizes in kindergarten/1st grade than in 2nd and 3rd grades (Wanzek & Vaughn, 2007; Wanzek et al., 2013).

• When “at risk” beginning readers receive intensive instruction, 56% to 92% of at-risk children across six studies reached the range of average reading ability (Torgesen, 2004).

• Students who received individualized reading instruction in grades 1-3 compared to students who received this in only one year showed the strongest reading skills by the end of third grade compared with those who received fewer years of such instruction (Connor et al., 2013).

• Overall, converging research points to the importance of early and individualized interventions for at-risk students for improving the effectiveness of remediation (Connor et al., 2013; Catts, et al., 2015; Denton & Vaughn, 2008; Connor et al., 2009; Shaywitz, Morris, & Shaywitz, 2008, Torgesen, et al., 1999; Flynn, Zheng, & Swanson, 2012; Vellutino et al., 1996; Morris, Lovett,Wolf et al., 2012; Morris et al., 1997).

To discover if The Nectar Group is the right fit for your child, schedule a complimentary consultation or contact us with questions or to schedule them for an early learner assessment.