
Cognitive skills are the foundational skills that make up how we think and learn. They directly impact our success in the workplace. Strong cognitive skills are correlated with increased income, greater job satisfaction, and being a better leader. The Nectar Group works with professionals from all fields and positions to gain a competitive edge through improved thinking skills.

There are 7 core cognitive skills that impact career performance:


This is the ability to hold information while completing a task, such as taking notes or completing a multi-step process. When it is weak, you may forget parts of verbal directions or take longer to complete tasks by needing to review information more than typical.


This is the ability to hold information for future recall and use. Policies, procedures, client names and details are all recalled when needed with accuracy when this is high.


This can be thought of as the brain’s internet speed. When processing speed is high, work is able to be completed quickly and accurately and learning new skills is faster! Slow processing results in tasks taking longer than expected and frustration for both you and your coworkers or managers.


We all know how important our attention is to being organized, focused, and effective team members. Important areas of attention are sustained attention (length of attention span), selective attention (the ability to focus in on the most important priority and ignore distractions), and divided attention (the ability to task switch and multitask).


This is the mind’s eye. It helps us comprehend and problem solve by allowing us to visualize information and scenarios, and “see” solutions or options in our minds. It is how we create vision and then make a plan for that vision to come into reality.


This is the mind’s ear. It allows us to process and remember verbal information. Professionals with strong auditory processing skills are able to effectively take in, understand, retain, and implement information presented verbally via phone, meetings, and one-to-one interactions.


Arguably the most important skill for the workplace, this is the ability to problem solve, think out of the box, and complete “if this, then this” thinking to accurately predict, project, and implement plans and solutions to problems.

Gain a competitive advantage in the workplace with our program, Brain Boost for Professional Performance:

Improve job performance by improving brain function!

This program includes the following:

We look forward to working with you to help you optimize brain performance!  Contact us with questions or to register!