Connect With Us

Please connect with us to schedule a phone consultation or scroll down to submit a contact form via email and to see how to reach us on social, phone, and more! We look forward to seeing how we can help!

Schedule a phone consultation with one of our directors:

Contact Us

We are excited to connect with you and see how we can be of help! Feel free to reach out however is easiest for you. We’ll help you put the pieces of the puzzle in place!

Call: 855-221-4888
Text: 303-333-3248

Where in the world are you? We are wherever you are!

The Nectar Group provides all services to clients around the world with our unique tele-health and tele-education testing and programs.

We are open 7 days per week, 12+ hours per day for client sessions.

Our phones and administrative office are open Mondays through Fridays from 8:00am-6:00pm Mountain Time.

We are headquartered in Colorado but serve clients globally with our tele-health and tele-education services. As long as you have internet, we can help!

Please use the calendar above to schedule an appointment for a phone call or video meeting to learn more!

Want more info?

Fill out the form below to join our mailing list and one of our team will reach out within 24 hours! We look forward to seeing how we can help!

Join Us!

We have lots of options to connect!
See our full calendar here: