Upcoming Events!

The Nectar Group welcomes you at any of our upcoming events. Join us at a homeschool convention, attend a webinar or a virtual demo of cognitive skills training and more. Simply check out our events calendar below to stay in the know. We hope to see you soon!

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Parent University Webinar Series – College Prep: Beyond the SAT

Knowing when, what, and how to prepare for college can be overwhelming. We all know there are SAT and ACT tests, applications, and essays which are all important. Of equal, if not greater, importance is making sure your student is ready to not just get into college, but to thrive once there. We’ll cover a […]


Parent University Edition Webinar Series – Navigating Learning Services

Wondering about supports in school such as 504s and IEPs? We will clarify the available options through public, charter and private schools. We will also explain what the school system can help with and its limitations. In this Parent Workshop, you will learn: ~How to navigate special education services, IEP's and 504's within public schools […]


Parent University HOMESCHOOL Edition Webinar – Navigating Learning Services

Wondering about supports in school such as 504s and IEPs? We will clarify the available options through public, charter and private schools. We will also explain what the school system can help with and its limitations. In this Parent Workshop, you will learn: ~How to navigate special education services, IEP's and 504's within public schools […]


Parent University Edition Webinar Series – Evaluating Assessments

Psychoeducational Testing, Neuropsychological Testing, Cognitive and IQ Assessments, Academic Testing, Standardized Testing….there are many options for evaluation and assessment and choosing the right ones for your child can be confusing and overwhelming to say the least! Each of these assessments can serve a valuable purpose but it is important to be strategic in assessment selection […]


Parent University Edition Webinar Series – Executive Functioning for Students

Disorganization, poor time management, and difficulty shifting gears are just a few of the symptoms of poor executive functioning. EF skills are important throughout all stages of life. They are what enable us to develop leadership, time management and prioritization, along with allowing us to follow multi-step instructions, think critically, and adapt to change. We’ll […]


Parent University HOMESCHOOL Edition Webinar – Executive Functioning for Students

Disorganization, poor time management, and difficulty shifting gears are just a few of the symptoms of poor executive functioning. EF skills are important throughout all stages of life. They are what enable us to develop leadership, time management and prioritization, along with allowing us to follow multi-step instructions, think critically, and adapt to change. We’ll […]


Parent University Edition Webinar Series – Putting ADHD into Focus

ADHD can be exhausting for the child, parents, and teachers. Join us to learn everything you need to know about ADHD. We’ll cover symptoms, diagnosis, and research-based options for treatments that work! In this complimentary webinar, you will: •Learn methods for diagnosing attention deficit hyperactivity disorder •Learn types and common symptoms •Understand the root causes […]


Parent University HOMESCHOOL Edition Webinar Series – Putting ADHD into Focus

ADHD can be exhausting for the child, parents, and teachers. Join us to learn everything you need to know about ADHD. We’ll cover symptoms, diagnosis, and research-based options for treatments that work! In this complimentary webinar, you will: •Learn methods for diagnosing attention deficit hyperactivity disorder •Learn types and common symptoms •Understand the root causes […]


Realizing Genius: Transformational Education Conference – Online Event

Online , United States

Save the date for the 2024 conference! In late winter/early spring, we gather with the focus of inspiring parents and educators (primarily in the homeschooling realm) who carry the awesome responsibility of educating themselves in order to educate their children. This work literally changes the world. Our next conference is February 22-27, 2024. Participants leave […]

Realizing Genius: Transformational Education Conference – online event

Online , United States

Save the date for the 2023 conference! In late winter/early spring, we gather with the focus of inspiring parents and educators (primarily in the homeschooling realm) who carry the awesome responsibility of educating themselves in order to educate their children. This work literally changes the world. Our next conference is February 23-27, 2023. Participants leave […]

Parent University Edition Webinar Series – Overcoming Dyslexia and Reading Challenges

Reading is the key that opens the door to an entire universe of learning. School can be overwhelming and frustrating at best when a child is struggling to read. There is real hope for treating the root causes of reading difficulties and disabilities. We’ll help you understand what can go wrong in reading development and […]
