ACT and SAT Prep

College Admissions Test Prep: Mastering the ACT/SAT

We tailor our ACT/SAT Prep programs to fit the unique needs of every student. We help students achieve their goals with the following test prep process.

1. Diagnostic Exam:

Our in-depth diagnostic exam tells us what we need to know about your student’s testing strengths and weaknesses to develop a customized test prep course that meets your student’s unique needs. Here’s how it works:


Complete a timed ACT or SAT (or both) under observation of a test expert. They will watch carefully to analyze both the student’s test taking skills and assess their content knowledge.



After testing, they will score the assessment and create a 12-page report detailing scoring with analysis of test performance and recommendations for how to improve both strategy and content to raise the score.



If a student is unsure which test they should prepare for, they can complete a diagnostic ACT and SAT and in addition to the performance report for each test, receive a comparison report recommending which test is best for them.



Diagnostic Exams are ideally completed anytime beginning the summer after 10th grade through the fall semester of 11th.


2. Customized Tutoring:

Our ACT and SAT coaches are experts at teaching both content and strategy. In one-to-one sessions, no time is wasted working on skills that your student doesn’t need. We use the information we learned from the diagnostic assessment to target the specific areas for each student. 



Attend 8-38 sessions of one-to-one tutoring with a test prep expert.



Learn content and test-taking strategies targeting students’ specific needs.



Students typically attend 2 sessions per week with some homework assigned between sessions.



Tutoring will be scheduled to strategically lead up to the official test day.

3. Retest and Refine


 Take a second diagnostic test to assess progress and remaining needs.



Students meet with their coach to debrief their performance on the retest and strategize for any further improvement.



Additional tutoring sessions may be completed at this time if needed.

Individualized test prep to meet your student’s needs.

How it Works:


(Click for details)

Diagnostic SAT/ACT exam


(Click for details)

Detailed report with scores and recommendations


(Click for details)

Individualized Test Prep and Admissions Essay programs


(Click for details)

Measurable Results!

Contact us to create a college prep plan for your student, or to schedule a complimentary consultation!

Contact us to create a college prep plan for your student, or to schedule a complimentary consultation!