
Giving Students an Academic Edge

Our AcademicEdge™ tutoring programs are different from what is common and from what is easy. They are based on the neuroscience of how we learn, not just on the acquisition of knowledge and facts or rote memorization. Our techniques and approach are designed to continue to change the brain and wire in new habits and practices, making critical, thoughtful, investigative learning the new normal. Every question we ask, every exercise we complete, and every session we lead targets the habits of strong learners so students can reach success with us and on their own.

Tutoring Programs Menu

The Nectar Group provides highly differentiated one-on-one tutoring to meet the needs of our students. We offer everything from homework help to summer enrichment.


Diagnostic academic testing pinpoints skill gaps in math, reading, and writing. Coaches deliver a customized program to target any holes in a student’s content knowledge, bringing all skills up to grade level and creating a strong foundation for future learning.


Coaches with content-specific expertise review core concepts using a student’s current class assignments and resources to guide instruction. Coaches introduce and reinforce study strategies and best practices for specific subjects.


Coaches provide guided instruction for homework completion, prioritizing difficult assignments and ensuring attention to strategy and accuracy. Students study with an expert coach, finishing with a plan for any remaining homework.


Using diagnostic testing to develop custom programs, coaches help students improve performance on the ACT or SAT through content review and strategy application. College Essay Prep coaches help students expertly craft their college admissions essays. Click here to learn more about our college prep programs.


Students may replace or supplement their regular schooling entirely or for a specific subject. Coaches with content area expertise deliver curriculum, record grades, and communicate progress to ensure grade level proficiency. Click here to learn more about our homeschool services.


Our Finals Prep 911 program allows your student to master their semester finals by working one-to-one with an academic coach. In these sessions, we review and reteach content and concepts, organize notes, complete study guides, and create study plans to ensure they end the semester strong! 


Students avoid the notorious “summer slide” by attending regular tutoring sessions during summer vacation, jump-starting them for their upcoming grade level. Click here to view our complete summer catalogue.


Where Education Meets Your Needs

We offer one-to-one schooling customized to individual student needs for grades 2-12. Learn more about Nectar Academy by clicking here.

Reaching Academic Potential

For students to reach their full learning potential, they need to have all three levels of The Potential Pyramid working well.

At the foundation are all of the cognitive skills that make up how we learn.

These must be strong to allow for learning to occur. If there are deficits in the cognitive skills at the foundation, then a student will struggle with content. It is important to treat the underlying cause of the reading, writing, or math difficulty for tutoring to be effective. At Nectar, we pinpoint the root cause of academic struggles and treat that first. Learn more about Cognitive Training here.

Second is content or knowledge. This is what we know, such as math, reading, and writing and this tier is the primary focus of school. 

Finally, at the top of the pyramid are the behaviors that impact how we approach learning. Study skills and executive functioning skills live on this tier as well as confidence and motivation. Learn more about Nectar’s study skills and executive function coaching here.

We address weaknesses at all three tiers of the pyramid through our tailored interventions.

Our suite of tutoring programs targets the second tier of the pyramid, filling gaps in learning, resolving issues with grade-level curriculum, and helping students exceed expectations.

Tutoring at The Nectar Group isn’t just about improving content knowledge but about practicing the habits that build efficient, effective, and independent learners, giving students what they deserve: an Academic Edge. 

We coach students to be:

Academic Edge Programs are tailored to individual needs:

Contact us to schedule your student or for a complimentary consultation to determine the best options for your family!