Upcoming Events!

The Nectar Group welcomes you at any of our upcoming events. Join us at a homeschool convention, attend a webinar or a virtual demo of cognitive skills training and more. Simply check out our events calendar below to stay in the know. We hope to see you soon!

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AFHE Home Education Convention – Phoenix, AZ

Come visit The Nectar Group at our booth or attend our presentations at the AFHE Convention in Phoenix, AZ!

Each year AFHE invites a great line-up of invigorating speakers to present two days of workshops covering a broad range of topics that will address your interests and needs! AFHE works with speakers who have a message of hope and encouragement with plenty of practical ideas and insight to help you as you teach, nurture, and guide your children. The Nectar Group is proud to be speaking and exhibiting at this convention! We hope to see you there!

Register to attend the conference at: Register Here