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The Nectar Group welcomes you at any of our upcoming events. Join us at a homeschool convention, attend a webinar or a virtual demo of cognitive skills training and more. Simply check out our events calendar below to stay in the know. We hope to see you soon!

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Parent University Webinar Series – College Prep: Beyond the SAT

Knowing when, what, and how to prepare for college can be overwhelming. We all know there are SAT and ACT tests, applications, and essays which are all important. Of equal, if not greater, importance is making sure your student is ready to not just get into college, but to thrive once there. We’ll cover a timeline for preparation and will provide you with a detailed checklist to make sure your student is ready to shine.

In this complimentary Parent University Webinar, you will learn:

~The timeline for preparing for college

~How cognitive skills, study skills, and test-taking contribute to success

~Important changes to the ACT/SAT

~How the ACT/SAT play a role in college acceptance

~Important skills that contribute to a smooth transition to independence

~The profile of a successful college student

You will receive the link for the webinar and workshop handouts via email once registered: ZOOM REGISTRATION – CLICK HERE