Schools and Educators

“Anastasis Academy has greatly appreciated and benefited from our partnership with The Nectar Group. The Nectar school wide cognitive screening has been invaluable in expanding our insight into each learner and helps us see them in more nuanced ways. More than that, the team at Nectar provides phenomenal training that is immediately applicable and actionable in the classroom for the learning needs revealed by the screening. Should a learner take advantage of the therapy options, teachers are kept up-to-date and supported by the team. We’ve been thrilled to have the opportunity to partner in a way that broadens our support of learners and teachers.”

-Kelly Tenkley, Executive Director, Anastasis Academy

“Anastasis Academy has greatly appreciated and benefited from our partnership with The Nectar Group. The Nectar school wide cognitive screening has been invaluable in expanding our insight into each learner and helps us see them in more nuanced ways.”

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Partners in education

The Nectar Group is always thrilled to partner with schools. We all share a common goal of wanting to see students succeed. Working with The Nectar Group means having access to services and plans that fit both your needs and your students’.

While you may choose to take advantage of a select number of our services, comprehensive partnership with The Nectar Group makes the greatest difference for your entire school community. The Nectar Group proudly offers its Partner Schools access to all of the below services at zero cost.

Our school partnership services include:

Educator Trainings:

The Nectar Group offers educators Continuing Education Units and the opportunity to discover how the latest findings in neuroscience can transform their classrooms and enrich their experience as educators! Our workshop series is flexible in order to meet your school’s professional development needs—available as a full-day teacher in-service or as 60- to 90-minute modules. Teachers can also register independently to attend the workshop series off-campus.

On-Campus Testing:

The Nectar Group can administer a universal cognitive screening to all children schoolwide or in specific grades. This screening provides teachers, administrators, and parents with cognitive performance indicators for each student. Additionally, the screening allows for greater customization of teaching in the classroom, the ability for schools to provide direct referrals for students and their parents to the best services for their needs, and valuable information for parents about their child’s cognitive strengths and weaknesses. Our director will personally meet with each family and provide teacher training to review test results and make recommendations for home, school, and outside services as appropriate. Because our unique eCoaching services allow students to receive support from any location with internet access, your students can receive interventions in all 3 tiers of the pyramid on your campus. Student results improve dramatically when interventions are integrated into the school day. We do all the work and make setting this up on your campus seamless and easy!

On-Campus Services:

Because our unique eCoaching services allow students to receive support from any location with internet access, your students can receive interventions in all 3 tiers of the pyramid on your campus. Student results improve dramatically when interventions are integrated into the school day. We do all the work and make setting this up on your campus seamless and easy!

Parent & Student Workshops:

We are happy to provide our Parent University workshops on a variety of subjects. Examples include Optimizing Learning through Optimizing Brain Health, Anxiety and Academics, Parenting in the Digital Age, and Overcoming Dyslexia and Reading Difficulties

Free Testing for Educators & Their Families:

We provide comprehensive cognitive testing and consultations for all educators and their immediate family members.

We help students reach their potential!

For students to reach their full learning potential, they need to have all three levels of the potential pyramid working well.

At the foundation of the pyramid are all of the cognitive skills that make up how we learn. These must be strong for learning to occur. The second level is content, or knowledge. This is what we know, like math, reading, and writing. Finally, at the top of the pyramid are the behaviors that impact how we implement and use tiers 1 and 2.

The Nectar Group works with students on all three tiers, starting wherever the root issue exists for each individual.

By correcting any underlying cognitive weaknesses, students gain the necessary foundation to master classroom instruction and thus build their knowledge.

With a strong foundation of cognitive skills and content knowledge, students are more receptive to study skills and other performance boosting behaviors. After working with The Nectar Group, students have the skills they need to learn with greater ease and increased success.

Our work isn’t limited to students, though. For every tier of the pyramid, we empower educators with a greater understanding of how learning occurs in the brain. We provide both the understanding of cognitive skills’ roles in learning and the resources that help educators identify and improve cognitive weaknesses in and out of the classroom.

Why partner with Nectar? Results for everyone!

Through partnership with The Nectar Group, you will receive our highly professional services tailored to your school’s and students’ needs. You can count on our services to make a positive difference for your entire school community.

The Benefits of Partnering with Nectar…

Contact us with any questions or schedule a meeting with our director to discuss ways we can partner together!

Have a student who could benefit from our services? Click here to refer. We’ll make sure we help them or if we aren’t the best fit, we will refer them to whatever services they need!

Contact us with any questions or schedule a meeting with our director to discuss ways we can partner together!

Have a student who could benefit from our services? Click here to refer.


We’ll make sure we help them or if we aren’t the best fit, we will refer them to whatever services they need!

“As a teacher, I meet with each of my sophomores each year to discuss with them their academic goals and how specifically I can assist them through their 10th grade year. This last year alone I taught 9 sophomores and 1 junior that had either completed or were in process or completing cognitive training from The Nectar Group. Countless times I heard these students say that their training helped them academically, one student saying that without Nectar she would not have been able to stay at Valor, it would have simply been too hard. I know that these students are a drop in the bucket compared to all of the other students in the building that have been positively changed because of this training and the relationship that Valor has with The Nectar Group. The students that are able to use an off period to complete their coaching, all while staying on campus meaning that those kids still stay in sports and arts productions, are able to complete their therapy during the school day. This partnership is so valuable for students and their families.”

-Beth Hutchison, Teacher, Valor Christian High School

“…Countless times I heard these students say that their training helped them academically, one student saying that without Nectar she would not have been able to stay at Valor, it would have simply been too hard…”

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